TV 2.0

There is a lot of movement in the TV world these days. ABC is goldcasting some of its best shows, FOX is trying to figure out ways to link MySpace with traditional television, and affiliates are watching to see what scrapes hit the floor.

Stephen Warley at Lost Remote makes a comment that rings true to me:

“Yes, NBC and Fox are cutting deals to share online revenue with their affiliates, but in the digital age, I just don’t see the long-term value of the network/affiliate relationship. People watch “programs,” not “networks” or “stations”. If I were a station GM, I’d focus on producing local programs and building deeper websites full of unique local information. That’s where the real money is going to be for local affiliates over the long term.”


About Daniel Davenport

Daniel is a digital media executive with internet and broadcast experience. Daniel is currently the executive strategy director at THINK Interactive.

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