Tag Archives: electronic vehicles
Colin Read, ECOtality VP Corporate Development

Cisco and ECOtality: car charging data

Cisco and ECOtality announced a partnership today to respond to the impending onslaught of data produced by electronic vehicles charging on the smart grid. With most R&D partnerships there is a fairly distant horizon for any real consumer facing products, but in the case of Cisco and ECOtality, that time frame is 2011.

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MyFordMobile app: hands on demo

Gigaom has a video interview with Ed Pleet of Ford showing the features of the new MyFordmobile app. In the interview Ed goes over the basics of how the app let’s you manage charging your car remotely, find charging stations, plan trips, see your driving trends and has a game type rewards system that allows you to earn badges for energy conservation that you can then post to your Facebook page or Twitter account.

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Sprint and ECOtality

In a recent keynote speech at the Detroit Economic Club, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse talked about his company’s role in several telematic initiatives. One of those was a partnership with ECOtality. Sprint provides wireless connectivity to more than 15,000 Level 2 stations and Level 3 stations that make up ECOtality’s Blink Network.

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